International affiliations

FIT International

International Federation of Translators

PEEMPIP has been a full member of FIT/IFT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs/International Federation of Translators) since 2010. FIT includes more than 100 professional associations and educational institutions and represents more than 80,000 translators in 55 countries. The goal of the Federation is, inter alia, to promote professionalism in translation and uphold translators’ rights worldwide. In 2017, following long efforts by FIT, the UN declared September 30 to be International Translation Day under resolution A/RES/71/288.


European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association

PEEMPIP has been a member of EULITA (European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association) since 2010. EULITA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Antwerp, on 26 November 2009. Its mission is to promote the quality of justice, ensuring access to justice across languages and cultures and guaranteeing the fundamental principles of human rights as enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.


Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs

Since many PEEMPIP members are businesswomen, in 2017 our Association established a strategic partnership with the Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs. S.E.G.E. is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) that covers the whole of Greece and is aimed at Greek businesswomen. It was founded in Thessaloniki, in 1997, and is a member of the Committee on Trade and Development of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (SVVE), the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME), and the WeConnect International Network, while several members participate in the Boards of various Chambers. It cooperates with ministries, social bodies, professional and non-governmental organisations at a local and European level to promote women entrepreneurs’ interests.


AudioVisual Translators Europe

Since June 2019, PEEMPIP is a member of AVTE, the European federation of national associations and organizations for media translators of all kinds. AVTE coordinates efforts to promote the profession of audiovisual translators and ensure good and fair working conditions for media translators. It promotes networking and the exchange of information between the associations and various EU institutions and legislators. Audiovisual translation is the ultimate translation filter connecting European citizens and ensuring cultural osmosis and infusion. We hope that PEEMPIP’s collective experience will contribute towards AVTE’s good work and similarly that PEEMIP will learn from AVTE, paving the way to establishing and preparing guidelines on good working practices and standards in the field of audiovisual translation for Greece.

In addition, PEEMPIP participates in various national and European surveys and conferences related to the translation profession and the improvement of the provision of translation services, such as translation and interpreting in criminal proceedings, translation in the healthcare sector, translation studies and the standardisation of translation skills.

Our partnerships
PEEMPIP is a member of FIT/IFT, EULITA, AVTE and SEGE.