Έφη Σαλούρου

Registration number: 309

Working languages ​​of translation

Languages ​​- origin: English, French, Spanish, Greek
Target languages: Greek, English


Bachelor's degree, Translation (Languages: English and French), Ionian University, 2006
Bachelor's degree, Spanish Language and Civilization, Ionian University, 2012
Master's degree, Master Tradumatica (Translation technologies), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008


Culture, Education, Training, Media and the Arts, Industry and Technology in General, Information Technology, Marketing

Translation Software

Across, Alchemy Catalyst 9, Idiom Desktop Workbench, MemoQ, Passolo, Qt Linguist, SDL Trados Studio 2017, WordFast, Smartling, SmartCat, MateCat

A few words

Effie has a Master's degree in Tradumática: Translation technologies, a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish language and civilization. She is fluent in four languages and has 10+ years of experience working in the localization industry. She is a “technology buff” and especially enjoy combining her passion for cultures and technology in her everyday work.

Our partnerships
PEEMPIP is a member of FIT/IFT, EULITA, AVTE and SEGE.