Pages from new translatorsAre you aware that translation and interpreting associations all around the world under the umbrella of FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs / International Federation of Translators) can help you take your first professional steps, ensure your professional development, defend your rights, and promote the visibility of your profession?

Just think what a professional association can do for you:

It promotes the interests of your profession, both at a national and European level, through professional events, policy lobbying activities and legislative consultation

  • It offers a safe haven for you to report bad practices, deal with bad payers, draw attention to risks and scams
  • It helps you understand and defend your working rights, in order to claim fair rates/wages and identify unfair contracts
  • It offers litigation support and dispute settlement assistance
  • It plays a role in your professional development by offering various forms of training, like seminars, webinars and workshops
  • It helps you connect with your colleagues, networking and creating a sense of community in which you can forge new alliances and expand your business
  • It offers you visibility through its member directory
  • It introduces you to new resources and tools
  • It enhances your professional status with codes of ethics/conduct.

 And there is so much more!

Get in touch and ask for information. Or even visit any of the many translation and interpreting events taking place around Europe throughout the year. And for a view of the translators and interpreters global village, visit FIT’s directory of associations at

 Download FIT Europe’s brochure for new translators here